Friday, 7 February 2014

Tess Jaray

Paintings and Drawings 1964-84

Shapes drawn on a grid (like Bridget Riley); in the final work this has disappeared and become an invisible element but with great importance - the viewer has a subliminal awareness of it, of what ties the whole thing together.
An aesthetic defined by many detailed decisions.
Influence of Islamic architecture - 'the emotive values and properties of space'; 
' the way the decorated surfaces reveal and unite the structure without merely decorating or adding to it.' (TJ)  
Villandry 1966
'Patterning that is more powerful than decoration...' = her explanation of her surfaces.
Her April suite:  cut outs in the the top print reveal areas of intense colour in the print beneath.

The forms refer to objects - a wave, a waterfall - '...but I never come too close.'
Quotes Titus Burckhardt re. Islamic art, that it uses 3 means to convey the unity of experience: geometry, rhythm and light, 'light which is to visible forms what Being is to limited experience'

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